Friday, February 1, 2013


I had an epiphany. Yes, one of those light bulbs like all writers have. My idea was: What could I do to get people to read my stories? My answer: Give them something FREE. Yes, absolutely free except for your Internet bill and lets all face it, unless you live in a place where you can score Wi-Fi you're going to pay that anyway.

So back to my idea. I am going to give my fans an online novel. It will be written as I go and together we will find out how the characters evolve and change. We will all delve into the mysteries of their lives together. I already have an idea in mind to start. The bad news is I have eight more ideas I've been working on for years and still haven't finished. The idea I came up with for the online book came with it so now I have nine. Geesh. So to get me motivated on writing again, (I've totally been slacking lately.) I need to see some interest in this project. I need all of my friends to subscribe to this feed and pass it on to get more people interested in this. Once the novel is done, it will be sent to my publisher for review and if published it will be erased from the blog. Pretty cool huh? You pretty much all get to be BETA testers for how well it sells.

Ok. Now to get started. Coffee. Check. Computer. Check. Twizzlers. Check.

Here we go...........

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